Frequently Asked Questions
What is a typical day like at camp? Every student has a different schedule, depending on their instrument, level, and choice of electives. Most students have 2 or 3 classes in the morning between 8:30 and 12:30, lunch at 12:30 and one or two classes between 1:30 and 4:30.
Will it work for one adult to attend with multiple children? Yes, there are many parents who come to camp with more than one child. Parents of younger children in this situation may need to move between classes. If the student is older elementary or middle school age they can be more independent. Most of our classes are in the same building or close by, so it is usually not hard for older elementary students to get between classes on their own. We can also help connect parents with teenagers who are interested in babysitting.
Can my child attend camp without me? We have cottages for students 12 years old and up who are mature enough to be away from home without a parent. There are separate teen cottages for girls and boys, and they are supervised by experienced and loving adult counselors. Students under 12 need to have a parent or other caregiver attend camp with them. We occasionally allow mature 11 year olds who have attended camp before to stay in the teen cottage, at the discretion of the Director.
Can I bring other family members to camp? We welcome siblings, grandparents, and any support persons you would like to bring with you. Most of our electives classes are open to non-students. Some families bring relatives in order to have an extra set of hands and to enjoy a musical vacation week together.
How do I register family members? When you complete the registration process, you will be asked to complete a registration for each person in your group that is attending, whether they are enrolling as a student or not. Keep in mind that Shrine Mont room & board charges are per person, so the cost increases when you bring more people.
I have a toddler coming with me, is there childcare available? We do not have a formal childcare program, so if you anticipate needing a lot of childcare it is easiest if you bring someone with you. We may have a staff member who is available for babysitting– please inquire about this before the start of camp.
We want to attend but I really need to work while at camp, can I do that? Some parents or attending family members need to work while at camp. The main lobby of the hotel has wireless internet access, and tables and chairs where it is possible to work. While we can’t promise that it is always quiet, many attendees have found that this works well for them.
My child only recently started Suzuki lessons, can they attend camp? If your child is able to have a short private lesson and participate in a group class environment, they should be ready for camp. Even 3-4 year olds benefit tremendously from camp, and it helps to set them up for successful Suzuki study during the year.
What if my child started with the Suzuki method, but has recently been playing outside of the repertoire? We publish a review list on our website of which pieces at each book level to focus on reviewing. If a student has skipped pieces in their current or previous Suzuki book, please let us know in advance and learn the pieces on the list if possible. If a student has switched completely to repertoire outside of the Suzuki books and has not reviewed, then sometimes it may be most appropriate for them to take another class instead of the group repertoire class.
What if my child completed all the Suzuki books and is beyond? We have many students whose playing level is advanced and beyond the Suzuki literature. These students are best suited for our Chamber Music Institute.
How many electives should my child take? That really depends on the student. Young children who are coming to camp for the first time often do best with just the basic curriculum and no electives. Elementary aged children are usually fine with one elective class. Students who are more advanced sometimes register for 2 elective classes, but this means that they will have a full schedule of classes and they should have the stamina for that.
Does my child have to audition to play on a solo recital? We do not audition students to play on a recital, as we believe it is important to give that opportunity to anyone who has a piece that is polished and memorized. You will need to register your child to play on a recital when you complete the registration, but you can select the piece anytime before June 1.
Does my student need to know all of the pieces on the review list? When reviewing for camp, the focus should primarily be on pieces from the current and previous books. Reviewing earlier pieces helps make the opening night Play-In more enjoyable, but we understand that a student in the middle or upper books may not be able to review everything.
What things are there to do besides the music classes? Shrine Mont is a beautiful place with miles of hiking trails, a large swimming pool, fishing pond, basketball and tennis courts. Our participants are never lacking for fun things to do! |